Demystifying the-StateFul Widget Conundrum: Why Isn’t It Rebuilding When Calling ValidateEvent with TextField OnChange Function in Flutter_bloc?
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Demystifying the-StateFul Widget Conundrum: Why Isn’t It Rebuilding When Calling ValidateEvent with TextField OnChange Function in Flutter_bloc?

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Are you frustrated with your StateFul widgets refusing to rebuild when calling the ValidateEvent with a TextField onChange function in Flutter_bloc? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Flutter_bloc, StateFul widgets, and the mysterious ValidateEvent to uncover the reasons behind this phenomenon and provide a step-by-step guide to resolving this issue.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand the problem. You have a TextField that triggers an onChange function, which in turn calls the ValidateEvent to validate the input. However, when the ValidateEvent is called, your StateFul widget refuses to rebuild, leaving you wondering why the widget isn’t updating.

void onChangeFunction(value) {<MyBloc>().add(ValidateEvent(value));

In the code snippet above, the onChangeFunction is triggered whenever the user types something into the TextField. This function calls the ValidateEvent, passing the input value as an argument. One would expect the StateFul widget to rebuild, reflecting the updated state. But, alas, it doesn’t.

The Reason Behind the Conundrum

The key to understanding this issue lies in the way Flutter_bloc handles state changes. When the ValidateEvent is triggered, it doesn’t automatically rebuild the widget tree. Instead, it notifies the corresponding Bloc to update its internal state.

In Flutter_bloc, the Bloc listens to events and updates its state accordingly. However, this state update doesn’t automatically propagate to the widget tree. To force the widget to rebuild, we need to notify the widget that the state has changed.

The Magic of setState

In traditional Flutter development, we would use the setState method to notify the framework that the state has changed and the widget needs to be rebuilt. However, in Flutter_bloc, we don’t have direct access to the widget’s state, as it’s managed by the Bloc.

void onChangeFunction(value) {<MyBloc>().add(ValidateEvent(value));
  setState(() {}); // This won't work!

As you can see, calling setState in the onChangeFunction won’t work, as it’s not a part of the widget’s lifecycle. So, how do we notify the widget to rebuild?

The Solution: Using BlocBuilder and BlocListener

To rebuild the StateFul widget, we need to use the BlocBuilder and BlocListener widgets provided by Flutter_bloc. These widgets listen to state changes in the Bloc and rebuild the widget tree accordingly.

Let’s refactor our code to use BlocBuilder and BlocListener:

BlocBuilder<MyBloc, MyState>(
  builder: (context, state) {
    return TextField(
      onChanged: (value) {<MyBloc>().add(ValidateEvent(value));

BlocListener<MyBloc, MyState>(
  listener: (context, state) {
    if (state is MyStateWithData) {
      // Rebuild the widget tree when the state changes
      return MyWidget(;

In the code snippet above, we’ve wrapped our TextField with a BlocBuilder, which listens to state changes in the MyBloc. When the state changes, the builder function is called, rebuilding the widget tree.

We’ve also added a BlocListener, which listens to state changes and rebuilds the widget tree when the state matches a specific condition (in this case, when the state is of type MyStateWithData).

Why BlocListener is Necessary

You might be wondering why we need both BlocBuilder and BlocListener. The reason is that BlocBuilder only rebuilds the widget tree when the state changes, but it doesn’t listen to specific events or state changes.

BlocListener, on the other hand, provides a more fine-grained control over state changes. It allows us to listen to specific events or state changes and react accordingly.

Best Practices for Using BlocBuilder and BlocListener

When using BlocBuilder and BlocListener, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Use BlocBuilder for building widgets that depend on the Bloc’s state.
  • Use BlocListener for listening to specific events or state changes.
  • Keep the builder function of BlocBuilder simple and focused on building the widget tree.
  • Avoid calling Bloc methods directly from within the builder function.
  • Use BlocListener to handle side effects or perform actions when the state changes.


In conclusion, the StateFul widget not rebuilding when calling the ValidateEvent with a TextField onChange function in Flutter_bloc is a common problem that can be resolved by using BlocBuilder and BlocListener. By understanding how Flutter_bloc handles state changes and using these widgets correctly, you can ensure that your StateFul widgets rebuild correctly, providing a seamless user experience.

Remember to follow the best practices outlined in this article to ensure that your code is maintainable, efficient, and easy to understand.

Widget Description Usage
BlocBuilder Builds a widget tree based on the Bloc’s state Wrap your widget with BlocBuilder to rebuild the widget tree when the state changes
BlocListener Listens to specific events or state changes and performs actions Use BlocListener to handle side effects or perform actions when the state changes

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of Flutter_bloc and StateFul widgets. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on the most pressing questions about Stateful Widgets not rebuilding when calling validateEvent with TextField onchange function in Flutter BLoC!

Why isn’t my Stateful Widget rebuilding when I call validateEvent with TextField onchange function in Flutter BLoC?

This is likely because the `validateEvent` function is not triggering a rebuild of your widget tree. When you call `validateEvent`, it only validates the event, but it doesn’t notify the widget tree to rebuild. To fix this, you need to call `setState()` or use a `BlocBuilder` to rebuild your widget when the validation state changes.

How do I use BlocBuilder to rebuild my Stateful Widget when the validation state changes?

Wrap your widget with a `BlocBuilder` widget and pass the `Bloc` instance as the `bloc` property. Then, in the `builder` callback, return the widget you want to rebuild when the validation state changes. The `BlocBuilder` will automatically rebuild your widget when the `Bloc` state changes.

Can I use a GlobalKey to rebuild my Stateful Widget when the validation state changes?

While you can use a `GlobalKey` to rebuild your widget, it’s not the recommended approach. Using a `GlobalKey` can lead to tight coupling between your widgets and make your code harder to maintain. Instead, use a `BlocBuilder` or `setState` to rebuild your widget in a more decoupled and maintainable way.

How do I debug why my Stateful Widget is not rebuilding when calling validateEvent with TextField onchange function in Flutter BLoC?

To debug this issue, use the Flutter debugger to step through your code and check if the `validateEvent` function is being called correctly. Also, check if the `Bloc` state is changing correctly when the validation state changes. You can use the Flutter DevTools to inspect your widget tree and see if the widget is rebuilding correctly.

Is it a good practice to call validateEvent with TextField onchange function in Flutter BLoC?

While it’s not wrong to call `validateEvent` with TextField onchange function, it’s not the most elegant solution. A better approach is to use a `BlocListener` to listen to changes in the `Bloc` state and rebuild your widget accordingly. This way, you can decouple your widget from the `Bloc` logic and make your code more maintainable.