Flutter: Avoid Component Rebuild When Navigate – A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Kyra - hkhazo.biz.id

Flutter: Avoid Component Rebuild When Navigate – A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with unnecessary component rebuilds every time you navigate in your Flutter app? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Flutter navigation and explore the best practices to avoid component rebuilds, making your app faster, more efficient, and better overall.

Why Do Components Rebuild in the First Place?

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand why components rebuild in the first place. In Flutter, every time you navigate to a new route, the entire widget tree is rebuilt by default. This is because Flutter uses a concept called “rebuilds” to ensure that the UI is updated correctly.

When you navigate to a new route, Flutter rebuilds the entire widget tree to ensure that the new route is properly rendered. This rebuild process involves recalculating the layout, painting, and compositing of all widgets, which can be a performance-intensive task.

The Problem with Component Rebuilds

While rebuilds are necessary for Flutter to function correctly, excessive rebuilds can lead to:

  • Slow app performance
  • Increased battery consumption
  • Poor user experience

Imagine a scenario where you have a list of items, and every time you navigate back to the list, the entire list is rebuilt from scratch. This can lead to:

  • Unnecessary network requests
  • Increased memory usage
  • A poor user experience

So, how can we avoid component rebuilds when navigating in Flutter?

1. Using `AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin`

One of the most common solutions to avoid component rebuilds is to use the `AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin`. This mixin helps to preserve the state of a widget even when it’s no longer visible.

class My_Widget with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin<MyWidget> {
  bool get wantKeepAlive => true;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // ...

By using `AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin`, you can ensure that your widget is not rebuilt every time it’s navigated to.

2. Using `IndexedStack`

`IndexedStack` is a powerful widget that allows you to manage a stack of widgets and preserve their state even when they’re not visible.

class MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyWidgetState createState() => _MyWidgetState();

class _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
  int _currentIndex = 0;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return IndexedStack(
      index: _currentIndex,
      children: [

By using `IndexedStack`, you can switch between different widgets without rebuilding the entire widget tree.

3. Using `Navigator` with `MaterialPageRoute`

When using the `Navigator` widget to navigate between routes, you can use `MaterialPageRoute` to preserve the state of the previous route.

    builder: (context) => NewRoute(),
    maintainState: true,

By setting `maintainState` to `true`, you can ensure that the state of the previous route is preserved, and the entire widget tree is not rebuilt.

4. Using a State Management Library

State management libraries like Provider, Riverpod, or Bloc can help you manage the state of your app and avoid component rebuilds.

These libraries provide a way to store the state of your app in a centralized location, making it easier to manage and preserve the state of your widgets.

Library Explanation
Provider A simple, yet powerful state management library that uses InheritedWidgets to manage state.
Riverpod A modern, reactive state management library that uses a functional programming approach.
Bloc A state management library that uses a business logic component (BLoC) to manage state and events.

5. Optimizing Your Widget Tree

Finally, it’s essential to optimize your widget tree to reduce the number of rebuilds. Here are some tips to help you optimize your widget tree:

  1. Avoid using unnecessary widgets:

    Remove any widgets that are not necessary for your app’s functionality. The fewer widgets you have, the fewer rebuilds will occur.

  2. Use `const` widgets:

    Use `const` widgets wherever possible to avoid rebuilding widgets unnecessarily.

  3. Avoid using `Opacity` and `Transform` widgets:

    `Opacity` and `Transform` widgets can cause unnecessary rebuilds. Instead, use `Opacity` and `Transform` properties on the widgets themselves.

  4. Use `ValueListenableBuilder`:

    `ValueListenableBuilder` is a powerful widget that helps to rebuild only the widgets that need to be updated.


Avoiding component rebuilds when navigating in Flutter is crucial for building fast, efficient, and scalable apps. By using `AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin`, `IndexedStack`, `Navigator` with `MaterialPageRoute`, state management libraries, and optimizing your widget tree, you can reduce the number of rebuilds and improve your app’s performance.

Remember, every rebuild counts, and by following these best practices, you can ensure that your app provides a seamless user experience.

Additional Resources

Want to learn more about Flutter navigation and state management? Check out these additional resources:

Happy coding, and don’t forget to optimize those rebuilds!

Frequently Asked Question

Facing issues with Flutter rebuilding components when navigating? We’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to learn how to avoid component rebuilds and optimize your app’s performance.

How can I prevent Flutter from rebuilding the entire widget tree when navigating?

One way to prevent Flutter from rebuilding the entire widget tree when navigating is to use the `AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin` with your widgets. This mixin allows you to mark certain widgets as “keep alive” so that they are not rebuilt when the parent widget is rebuilt. You can also use `CacheWidget` to cache the widgets and avoid rebuilding.

What is the purpose of `addPostFrameCallback` in Flutter?

The `addPostFrameCallback` function in Flutter is used to schedule a callback to be executed after the current frame has been built. This can be useful when you need to perform some action after the widget tree has been rebuilt, such as scrolling to a specific position or animating a widget. By using `addPostFrameCallback`, you can avoid rebuilding the widget tree unnecessarily.

How can I use `RouteAware` to prevent component rebuilds in Flutter?

The `RouteAware` class in Flutter allows you to track when a route is pushed or popped. By implementing the `RouteAware` interface, you can detect when the route is changed and prevent rebuilds by calling `setState` or `markNeedsBuild` only when necessary. This can help reduce unnecessary rebuilds and improve performance.

What is the role of `ValueListenableBuilder` in preventing component rebuilds?

`ValueListenableBuilder` is a widget that rebuilds its child when the value of a `ValueListenable` changes. By using `ValueListenableBuilder`, you can selectively rebuild only the widgets that depend on a specific value, rather than rebuilding the entire widget tree. This can help reduce unnecessary rebuilds and improve performance.

How can I use the `Provider` package to prevent component rebuilds?

The `Provider` package in Flutter allows you to manage state changes and notify widgets that depend on that state. By using `Provider`, you can selectively rebuild only the widgets that depend on the changed state, rather than rebuilding the entire widget tree. This can help reduce unnecessary rebuilds and improve performance.