Mastering Navmesh Agents: How to Use a Prefab Gameobject Clone as a Player’s Target
Image by Kyra -

Mastering Navmesh Agents: How to Use a Prefab Gameobject Clone as a Player’s Target

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Are you tired of struggling to get your Navmesh Agent to follow your player character? Do you want to create a seamless and immersive gaming experience? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to use a prefab gameobject clone as a player’s target for a Navmesh Agent, and how to keep the agent following the player with ease.

What You’ll Need

  • Unity game engine (version 2018 or later)
  • A basic understanding of C# scripting and Unity development
  • A prefabricated gameobject (e.g., a character model)
  • A Navmesh Agent component attached to a gameobject in your scene

Step 1: Create a Prefab Gameobject Clone

To start, you’ll need to create a clone of your prefabricated gameobject. This clone will serve as the target for your Navmesh Agent. To do this:

  1. In your Unity scene, select the prefabricated gameobject (e.g., your character model).
  2. Right-click on the gameobject and select ” Duplicate” (or press Ctrl + D on Windows or Command + D on Mac).
  3. Rename the duplicated gameobject to something like “PlayerTarget” or “NavmeshTarget”.
  4. Move the duplicated gameobject to a convenient location in your scene, such as near the player character.

Step 2: Add a Navmesh Agent to Your Scene

Next, you’ll need to add a Navmesh Agent to your scene. This component will be responsible for following the player target. To do this:

  1. In your Unity scene, create a new gameobject (e.g., an empty gameobject) and rename it to something like “NavmeshAgent”.
  2. Add a Navmesh Agent component to the new gameobject by selecting “Component” > “Navigation” > “Navmesh Agent”.
  3. In the Inspector, configure the Navmesh Agent’s settings as desired (e.g., speed, acceleration, stopping distance).

Step 3: Set the Player Target

Now that you have your prefabricated gameobject clone and Navmesh Agent set up, it’s time to set the player target. To do this:

  1. In the Inspector, select the Navmesh Agent gameobject.
  2. In the Navmesh Agent component, set the “Target” field to the prefabricated gameobject clone (e.g., “PlayerTarget” or “NavmeshTarget”).
  3. Make sure the Navmesh Agent’s “Auto Brake” property is enabled to ensure smooth following behavior.

Step 4: Write the Follow Script

To keep the Navmesh Agent following the player target, you’ll need to write a simple script. Create a new C# script and attach it to the Navmesh Agent gameobject:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;

public class FollowPlayer : MonoBehaviour
    public Transform playerTarget; // assign in Inspector
    private NavMeshAgent agent;

    void Start()
        agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();

    void Update()

In the Inspector, assign the prefabricated gameobject clone (e.g., “PlayerTarget” or “NavmeshTarget”) to the “Player Target” field.

Step 5: Test and Refine

Press play in the Unity Editor and test your Navmesh Agent. The agent should now follow the player target seamlessly. You can refine the following behavior by adjusting the Navmesh Agent’s settings and the follow script as needed.

Tips and Variations Description
Adjust Navmesh Agent Speed Experiment with different speeds to achieve the desired following behavior.
Use Raycasting or Triggers Implement raycasting or trigger colliders to detect obstacles and adjust the Navmesh Agent’s path accordingly.
Implement Proximity Check Write a script to check the distance between the Navmesh Agent and the player target, and adjust the following behavior based on proximity.
Use Animation Controllers Integrate animation controllers to create more realistic and immersive character movements.

Common Issues and Solutions

Encountering issues with your Navmesh Agent? Here are some common problems and solutions:

  • Issue: Navmesh Agent not following the player target.
    Solution: Check the Navmesh Agent’s settings, ensure the target is set correctly, and verify that there are no obstacles blocking the path.
  • Issue: Navmesh Agent getting stuck or oscillating.
    Solution: Adjust the Navmesh Agent’s speed, stopping distance, and acceleration settings. Also, ensure the navmesh is updated correctly.
  • Issue: Navmesh Agent not respecting obstacles.
    Solution: Implement raycasting or trigger colliders to detect obstacles and adjust the Navmesh Agent’s path accordingly.


By following these steps and tips, you should now have a seamless and immersive Navmesh Agent that follows your player character with ease. Remember to experiment with different settings and scripts to achieve the desired behavior for your game. Happy coding!

Keywords: Unity, Navmesh Agent, prefab gameobject clone, player target, follow script, character selection, game development, Unity tutorial.

Recommended Readings:

This article is part of the Unity Game Engine series. Stay tuned for more tutorials, guides, and articles on game development and Unity!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to level up your game development skills! In this FAQ, we’ll dive into the world of prefab game objects, Navmesh Agents, and character selection. Buckle up, and let’s get started!

How do I set up a prefab game object clone as a player’s target for a Navmesh Agent?

To set up a prefab game object clone as a player’s target for a Navmesh Agent, you need to create a script that will update the Navmesh Agent’s destination to the prefab game object’s position. You can do this by attaching a script to the Navmesh Agent that references the prefab game object clone. Then, in the script, use the `SetDestination` method to update the Navmesh Agent’s destination to the prefab game object’s position. Voilà! Your Navmesh Agent is now following the prefab game object clone.

How do I ensure the Navmesh Agent keeps following the player even when they move?

To ensure the Navmesh Agent keeps following the player, you need to continuously update the Navmesh Agent’s destination to the player’s position. You can do this by using a coroutine or an Update method in your script that updates the Navmesh Agent’s destination every frame. This will ensure that the Navmesh Agent is always following the player, even when they move.

What’s the best way to handle character selection using prefab game objects?

When it comes to character selection using prefab game objects, it’s best to create a character selection script that instantiates the selected prefab game object and sets it as the Navmesh Agent’s target. You can store the prefab game objects in an array or list, and then use a UI button or other input method to select the desired character. Once the character is selected, instantiate the prefab game object and set it as the Navmesh Agent’s target.

How do I handle multiple Navmesh Agents following different players?

To handle multiple Navmesh Agents following different players, you can create a separate script for each Navmesh Agent that updates its destination to the corresponding player’s position. You can also use a manager script that keeps track of all the Navmesh Agents and players, and updates their destinations accordingly. This will ensure that each Navmesh Agent is following the correct player.

Are there any performance considerations I should keep in mind when using Navmesh Agents and prefab game objects?

Yes, when using Navmesh Agents and prefab game objects, it’s essential to keep an eye on performance. Make sure to optimize your scripts, reduce unnecessary calculations, and use techniques like object pooling to minimize instantiation and destruction of prefab game objects. Additionally, consider using a Navmesh Agent component with a lower accuracy setting to reduce computational overhead.