Mastering Ag-grid: Creating Tables that Flex to Fit Contents and Width
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Mastering Ag-grid: Creating Tables that Flex to Fit Contents and Width

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Are you tired of dealing with Ag-grid tables that either squeeze too much content into too little space or sprawl out to consume the entire screen? Do you struggle to find the perfect balance between fitting the contents of many columns while also accommodating a few columns that need more real estate? Fear not, dear developer! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Ag-grid and explore the techniques to create tables that adapt to both content and width requirements.

Understanding the Challenge

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s understand the problem at hand. Ag-grid tables are incredibly versatile, but they can be finicky when it comes to column widths and content fitting. You might have columns with lots of data that need to be displayed in a compact manner, while others require more space to breathe. The default behavior of Ag-grid can sometimes lead to tables that are either too narrow or too wide, making it difficult to read and navigate.

The Goals

Our primary objectives are to:

  • Create an Ag-grid table that automatically adjusts its column widths to fit the contents of each column.
  • Ensure the table adapts to the available width, resizing columns as needed to prevent excessive scrolling or wasted space.

Method 1: Using autoColumnWidth and columnAutoSizeMode

Let’s start with a simple yet effective approach. Ag-grid provides two properties that can help us achieve our goals: autoColumnWidth and columnAutoSizeMode.

const gridOptions = {
  columnDefs: [
    { field: 'column1' },
    { field: 'column2' },
    { field: 'column3' }
  autoColumnWidth: true,
  columnAutoSizeMode: 'fitContents'

In this example, we enable autoColumnWidth to allow the grid to automatically calculate column widths based on their contents. We then set columnAutoSizeMode to 'fitContents', which instructs Ag-grid to adjust column widths to fit the contents of each column.

Pros and Cons

This approach is easy to implement and provides a good starting point, but it may not always produce the desired results. For instance, if you have columns with varying amounts of data, the auto-width calculation might not be accurate, leading to uneven column widths.

Method 2: Utilizing columnWidth and minColumnWidth

A more nuanced approach involves setting specific column widths and minimum column widths to achieve a better balance between content fitting and width adaptation.

const gridOptions = {
  columnDefs: [
    { field: 'column1', width: 150, minWidth: 100 },
    { field: 'column2', width: 200, minWidth: 150 },
    { field: 'column3', width: 250, minWidth: 200 }

In this example, we set explicit width values for each column, which will serve as the initial width. We also specify minWidth values to ensure that columns don’t shrink below a certain threshold, even when the table is resized.

Tuning the Widths

To fine-tune the column widths, you can experiment with different values for width and minWidth. A good rule of thumb is to set width to a value that accommodates the average content length, and minWidth to a value that allows for a comfortable minimum width.

Method 3: Implementing a Custom Column Width Calculator

If the previous methods don’t quite meet your requirements, you can create a custom column width calculator to dynamically adjust column widths based on their contents.

function calculateColumnWidths(params) {
  const columns = params.columnApi.getColumns();
  const maxDisplayedRow = params.rowModel.getRowsToDisplay();

  columns.forEach((column) => {
    const columnWidth = getColumnWidthFromContent(column, maxDisplayedRow);

function getColumnWidthFromContent(column, maxDisplayedRow) {
  // implement your custom width calculation logic here
  // based on the column's contents and maxDisplayedRow
  return calculatedWidth;

In this example, we define a custom calculateColumnWidths function that iterates over the columns and sets their minimum widths based on the contents. You’ll need to implement the logic for calculating the width based on your specific requirements.

Integrating with Ag-grid

To use this custom calculator, you’ll need to integrate it with Ag-grid’s event system. You can do this by listening to the firstDataRendered event and calling your custom calculator function.

onFirstDataRendered: params => {

Additional Tips and Tricks

To take your Ag-grid table to the next level, consider the following additional techniques:

  • Use column resizing: Enable column resizing to allow users to adjust column widths manually. This can be especially helpful when dealing with complex data sets.
  • Implement row grouping: If you’re working with hierarchical data, consider using row grouping to reduce the number of columns and improve table navigation.
  • Utilize the onColumnResized event: Listen to the onColumnResized event to dynamically adjust column widths based on user interactions.
  • Experiment with columnGroups: Use column groups to create logical groups of columns, making it easier to manage and style your table.


Creating Ag-grid tables that adapt to both content and width requirements can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques and approaches, you can achieve a flexible and user-friendly table experience. By mastering the methods outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex table requirements.

Method Description
autoColumnWidth and columnAutoSizeMode Simple approach using Ag-grid’s built-in properties
columnWidth and minColumnWidth Setting explicit column widths and minimum widths
Custom Column Width Calculator Dynamically adjusting column widths based on contents

Remember to experiment with different approaches, and don’t be afraid to mix and match techniques to find the perfect balance for your Ag-grid table.

Happy coding, and may your tables be ever flexible and beautiful!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Ag-grid table that fits the contents for many columns, but also fit width for few columns” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the most out of your Ag-grid tables with these expert-approved tips and tricks!

How do I make my Ag-grid table adjust to fit the content of many columns?

To make your Ag-grid table adjust to fit the content of many columns, use the `autoSizeColumns` feature! Simply set `autoSizeColumns: true` in your grid options, and the table will automatically adjust the column widths to fit the content. You can also specify a `minColumnWidth` to ensure columns don’t get too narrow.

What if I only want certain columns to fit the content, while others remain fixed?

No problem! You can use the `flex` property to specify which columns should be flexible and adjust to fit the content. For example, `flex: 1` will make a column flexible, while `flex: 0` will keep it fixed. You can also use `flexGrow` and `flexShrink` to fine-tune the behavior.

How do I prevent my Ag-grid table from becoming too wide when there are few columns?

Use the `maxWidth` property to set a maximum width for your table! This will prevent the table from becoming too wide, even when there are few columns. You can also set `width` to a specific value to fix the table width.

Can I make my Ag-grid table responsive, so it adapts to different screen sizes?

Absolutely! Ag-grid provides built-in support for responsive design. Use the `responsive` feature to specify breakpoints for different screen sizes, and customize the table layout and column behavior for each breakpoint. You can also use CSS media queries to further customize the table’s appearance.

Are there any performance considerations when using auto-sizing columns in Ag-grid?

Yes, keep in mind that auto-sizing columns can impact performance, especially with very large datasets. To mitigate this, use `autoSizeColumns` judiciously, and consider setting `maxColsToAutoSize` to limit the number of columns that are auto-sized. You can also use other optimization techniques, such as row buffering and pagination, to improve performance.